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Services at Huia Counselling

Huia Counselling is led by Wendy Stanaway, an experienced therapist and a Full Member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) who provides a new, innovative, online anxiety counselling package for women.

Wendy Stanaway - Huia Counselling Floral Shirt

Are You Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed?

Take Back Control of Your Life

Wendy Stanaway’s exclusive online anxiety counselling packages for women in New Zealand are designed to be adaptable and cost-effective. They brings counselling sessions to your home through Personal Deep Dive Sessions, Group Psychoeducational sessions, and ongoing email support. These packages aim to develop your resilience in relationships and equip you with the ability to handle your life, emotions, and relationships with greater comfort.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders worldwide and women are almost twice as likely to experience anxiety than men. In fact, one in five women will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime – that’s 20%!  

Anxiety can be caused by a number of factors, including stress, trauma, depression, or other negative experiences. Sitting with anxiety can lead to an endless cycle of worry, indecision, and self-doubt.

Woman with Anxiety - Online Counselling Package Huia
Online Anxiety Counselling

Does this sound like you?

Now, imagine yourself in a cost-effective counselling program with an experienced therapist who will help you build skills to overcome your anxiety.

Our online counselling package for anxiety is designed to help you learn about your feelings, understand how to control them, and make changes in your life. The program helps you work through the anxiety-provoking situations that you are facing in life. The program takes place over 12 weeks or 20 weeks and includes counselling, education, and email support with Wendy.

A Brand New Approach to Treating Anxiety

Increase Your Self-Esteem Through Setting and Meeting Your Personal Goals

The online approach to counselling is quickly gaining popularity as a flexible and affordable option for individuals seeking support. The beauty of online counselling is that it brings the counselling session right into the comfort of your own home. This means that there is no need to worry about travelling to appointments. You can access support no matter where you are located.

Flexible, Affordable!

Designed to provide maximum flexibility and convenience, our online anxiety counselling packages are an excellent choice for women seeking to manage anxiety and depression, learn skills, and build resilience in their relationships. The program is tailored specifically for women and addresses their unique needs and challenges. It provides a range of counselling sessions, including Personal Deep Dive Sessions, Group Work, and Psychoeducational sessions. The package also includes email support throughout the duration of the program.

Our package is a comprehensive and holistic approach to anxiety counselling, addressing the root causes of anxiety and providing practical tools and techniques to help manage symptoms. Through the Personal Deep Dive Sessions, individuals can explore their anxieties and learn how to manage them. Group Work provides an opportunity to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges, while Psychoeducational sessions provide education on a range of topics related to anxiety and mental health.

Benefits of our Online Anxiety Counselling Package

One of the key benefits of our online counselling package is the flexibility it provides. Participants can access counselling from the comfort of their own homes and fit sessions into their busy schedules. This makes it a convenient option for individuals who may not have the time or resources to attend traditional counselling sessions. The program is also affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals seeking support.

Throughout the program, participants will receive ongoing email support, allowing them to reach out for help and guidance whenever they need it. This helps to ensure that they are supported throughout the journey and can receive guidance and advice whenever they need it.

How the Process All Works - Make Your Change Today!

New Sessions Starting Soon!

Wendy’s online counselling packages start with an intake session where we will discuss your goals and your current situation. 

The intake session also includes filling out a questionnaire where you will have the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings, and past experiences with anxiety. From this, we will create your specific plan. 

You will then be invited to attend 50-minute fortnightly individual Deep Dive sessions as well as 50-minute Psychoeducation Sessions spread out over the program. 

Each week will include a focus topic, plan of action, homework, and self-reflective exercises. In addition to our live sessions, Wendy will be available regularly throughout the program by email for ongoing support.

Our online counselling packages are specifically designed to help women like you overcome your anxiety to live a more fulfilling life free from the anxiety controlling their life.

Online Anxiety Counselling Package - Woman on Computer

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Please choose a time for a FREE Consultation to see if we are a good match for one another. 

Book A Package

After the initial consultation, if you would like to continue, you can book a package below